Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Libations...sensations that stagger the mind

This is the day of the expanding home, of space anew, of buckets that are filled with cash to be set afire.  Real things are turned around, but the work is not done.  It's never done, because when one item is checked, the next much be matched.  And you want to be fair to everyone and everything, and so, sooner or later, these are also improved.

Long ago, stuck in the mire, I heard a phrase that wasn't meant to be advice but was quickly taken as such: "Love is like money: you have to make it, lose it, and then make it again to know its meaning."  The love part, that's another day, but while things were stockpiling for a point, once the ball started rolling, it all came out.  Not wants but wants tied to needs.  As such, one can't help but be caught off guard when the artist formerly known as Smiley suddenly emails about a new TV she saw that's on sale.  Well hell, this time I didn't have to lift a fucking finger.  Is it color?  Cool, let's do it.

I say all of this when I think back to yesterday where I was feted with rhubarb and rhubarb related items.  I related nutty times in Las Vegas.  I spent hours in the dirt preparing the soil with the Big Scoop.  We then relaxed with the newest member of the family, a crested gecko.  As she (he?  We don't know yet, but whatever) sat on my shoulder as she likes to do, surveying her surroundings, I related to the Scoop "You remember, it was a year ago when you said you wanted one and I told you give it time.  We'll strike when it's hot.  Maybe toward the tail end (haha) of seemingly smart buying, which is how my life has gone, but it would happen.  The gecko turned into a fish, then a bird, and then back to a gecko.  But here we are.  She climbs up my arm every time, the steps at once fast and measured, each foot down specific and exact.

"Wait!  Careful!"  Careful?  I haven't moved and neither has she, so let's ALL calm down, OK?  Deep breaths.  The setup is done.  We have plenty of time to sort shit out.  Just keep making it happen.  Keep making deals.  Let the wind fall.  Let it work itself.  Go all the way.  Later, and only later, will you be able to look around, smile and nod, capturing the full scope of all your hard work.  And then, like before and after, onward!

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