Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Hillbilly blues way back on the ridge

Smile everyone, we're back!

(straightens tie, sucks in gut)

She just keeps going around, doesn't she?  Like a fine sazerac, we find the Old Gold getting better with age.  Or, at the least, it isn't vinegar.  Yet.

The freak party rages on, of course, and there have been some major league softballs toss'd in the direction of the Great White this past year (or 10, whatever).  We got a few Chick Fil A's.  You can find frosting on a stick if you look hard enough (every major outdoor gathering).  Finally found that quarterback for the next decade.  So, because of these and many more, you can see things are turning around.

That's all we can ask for, right?  To build up little victories as we stumble to the middle of the road?  I used to sit in front of a computer at work and write fictional back stories to a rap group from Edina.  I can't say it wasn't a blast.  We were wired into the main breaker then, circuits all popping regardless of life events.  Now things just take time.

If you really want to see the other side of that, get into Bukowski.  Specifically, The Captain is Out To Lunch.  Hey, did you like the horse track?  Have you ever gambled?  What about the worthiness of life?  Too much of that though, is like too much sazerac.  It burns the palate so the cheap stuff doesn't taste as good.

Ah hell, I'm off the tracks again.  I suppose we should pay homage to Old Bess and what she has done.  Well, personally, she saw spoutings from west of the Pacific for quite some time, then from right smack the christ in the middle of it.  I always liked to think of her as an empty chalkboard to just douse in theory of life.  Hell, most of it made no sense.  The stuff that was coherent was still a jumbled mess.  There are nuggets of truth, but they're buried in babble, from me anyway.  Hell though, that's the point, right?  We never said this was going to be easy.  "Well for breakfast today, I fired up the breakfast sandwich maker and I....... burrrrrrrrrrrrrrr".  Life isn't like that.  If you want meaning, you have to find it.  You can't camp out in front of someone's compound and hope they tell you what cards to play.  John Lennon just served that guy tea and biscuits.  Notice he did not allow him inside.

So, keep on.  Lord knows we're not going anywhere - in fact, we're just settling down for a long winter's nap.  (ed. note - by "nap", he means, a "season-long brandy and apple cider chugging contest")  In ten more years, we might not have moved the needle, but we damn sure will have done the revolutions.  And really, as we bang off the walls, name me a better place than the middle?

I'll see you there.

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