Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A matter of time...

Overheard in more than one place

Boy, it's really raining out there.
I know. I bet the traffic's bad everywhere.
Did you see the size of that puddle on Coldwater? It covered the entire car!
It's only been raining since, what, 2? 2:30?
I wonder if there's going to be mudslides.
Well, just to be safe, when I drive through the canyons, I'm going 15 miles per hour.
Good idea. You don't want to fall off the road. I'm going extra slow today, too. You never know.
The rain here sure makes people do strange things.
Like the Santa Ana winds.
Dude, we saw a girl who wasn't wearing a jacket - she was all wet and looked hot.
Was her car wasted?
Naw, she was just walking.
Man, wish I saw that.
I wonder if this place is gonna get flooded.
But it's only been raining since this afternoon.
I know, dude...man, I just wanna go home.
I heard they'll let us out early because people drive so bad in the rain.
Sweet! I know, man, people drive fuckin crazy out here.
All right, I'm out.
See ya, good look driving.
Thanks, watch out. I'm gonna blast past the traffic.
Ha ha.

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