It's been quite a year of phrases new and well-worn. So which of these fucking annoying and misplaced phrases wins the award for 2020? Let's find out!
2nd Runner Up: "The New Normal"
By using this phrase, the person speaking is accepting the abnormal as what will be commonplace. Where this was wildly misused was when, after asking someone politely to wear a mask to prevent the spread of a virus would then be extended to, say, charging you through the nose for a product. Or giving you twice the amount of work because you're lucky to be working at all, you know? You can apply a phrase such as this afterwards, as if to say "I used to do _____, but now I do _____. I never do that old ______ anymore....______ is my new normal." But that doesn't apply to being treated like dung on purpose just because...hey! This is Your new normal.
1st Runner Up: "It is what it is."
Look, the morgue is full. The park is closed. Occurrences minor, annoying, major, life-threatening. Could they have been prevented? Most likely. But they weren't. They're dead, the house is burned, the store is closed forever is what it is. A favorite phrase of people who love to talk but say little to nothing of value, this one rocketed up near the top...but it isn't #1.
The 2020 phrase of the Year: "Can't you just..."
Your life, in whatever way you manage it, or view it, or just plain live it, is completely different. As such, some rather large difficulties have sprung up. You're only human to wonder aloud how to deal with these difficulties, but deal with them you do and life marches on (if you're lucky). And there, from the sidelines, comes confusion from people who are utterly baffled a majority of their life. Their lack of general knowledge and seeming avoidance of all manners of formal education shine through. They don't understand. To explain why you "can't just" would not only require a lengthy explanation, it would also require the person who asked you that same question to understand simple, basic logic. Could they fully step into your shoes and view the situation as you? Or anyone else? Of course not. As such, the confusion continues. And it used to just be those random moments in public where their lost, glazed face would cross your path and you'd just shake your head and exhale. Now those same people, daffier than ever, are oh so confused almost 100% of the time. Do you have time to explain life/society/how the can opener works?
It's easy to ask "what is your resolution for '21?" but why is it (I fear) it will just be more so in the coming year? When is the escape? Individually, how will we define it? What will it look like? And can you blame anyone if they never return?