Thursday, July 31, 2014

This time, for real?

(The 1979 Los Angeles Rams, Pacific Gold's official team)

Though it's been 20 years since Dealville had an NFL team, we've heard bullshit from other teams over the years ever since.  First it was the Seahawks, then the Colts, then the Jaguars, and most recently the Vikings (even on this blog, no less). Each time, the city was used as bait for stadium negotiations, forcing the public to turn their head and cough up the bucks to ensure "their" team stayed in town.  Some less than others, but the conclusion was the same: no NFL team.  Those of us living here simply moved on, while so many transplants meet at designated bars to root for their old hometown's team.  (Fan-dom never leaves, but the town's residents?  Goodbye.)

I think I can speak for the majority of the sports fans in this town saying that receiving any of the aforementioned teams would have been a perk...a nice addition...but it wouldn't mean much.  Just another way-station until the team's owner is dissatisfied with the "stadium situation" and they leave.  The Raiders?  No one here wants all the baggage that comes with the team: their fans, their level of success the last 20 years being a very LA reason, but it's mainly because of LA's other team...the first who really left in 1980...

Look, I won't lie.  My arrival out here in Dealville was a constant quest for LA Rams gear: hats, glasses, you name it.  Everyone I asked (NFL fans) never seemed to mind the loss of the Raiders.  But the was as if they lost a love and it moved to Orange County (can't blame them for not following them) and then it's gone.  

But then Rams owner (and Burt Reynolds imposter) Stan Kroenke buys land on the Hollywood Park site.  (Name ready, too)  Each passing month hasn't seen an end to this trend: a return of the Rams.  This week, Inglewood's Mayor Butts went on KJLH (which is, I've been told, is a radio station in town), and said what he could tell the public.  "We are working diligently to make this happen."  He said the official world likely wouldn't be until the 2015 owners meeting, but we all know this gets done...spending all of this season handing out envelopes to all other owners.

This post just might be a historical document of pre-LA Ram insanity...or just plain insanity.  Nothing new around here.