The Kansas City Royals deserve your respect
It was all but set coming into this weekend: Kansas City was in there for the first time in nearly 30 years. If not, it would be Seattle, for the first time in 13 years. Instead, we are given the encore of a season's-worth of Jeter tributes, nearly all written by old, overfed oafs. Fox did the same for their afternoon game, a Yankees-Red Sox match-up that was last relevant in May. The Red Sox also gave him a "tribute" inasmuch a reminder to its fan base to allow it - we just won the title last year, so temper your alcohol intake, please? Even for an hour?
Beast or Burden
I'm old now, you know, so perspective creeps in when a "new season" begins on the tube. The viewing experience is so different these days, and yet we still see the same concept. This is because of money, sums greater than many may ever know. The other side of the scale is time, which is tight. My reaction is quicker now: going for the gut. "I like the set, but that writing..." Hey, I made it to the first commercial break. Sometimes, even more. Why eat a meal you don't want? I don't have to look far in any direction to find a junkie.
I've got it bad, and I've got it good
It was a fine, even entertaining Saturday of college football, but the more research I have since completed, the more I see a slew of even larger games comin' at ya next weekend. That's all well and good, but when the forecast for next Saturday is a Santa Ana Son of a 93??!! Look, I appreciate these random hot breaths from Mama Earth every now and then, but this is supposed to be a day of successful relaxation. Cooperation is the word; isn't that all we ask for in life? From the weekend weirdos that populate Beverly Drive, the hi-fi in the background, hell, even the parlays...we're keeping up our end of the deal.
Looks like the mug could use a refill. Back to it.