It's one of the oldest tricks in the entertainment industry: a well-liked performer needs to pay the bills. So many are "working actors" and you find them in something that might be, to someone's personal eye, beneath their talent. During the predictable trashing of a review, a critic will add "and poor ________, she/he deserves better!" Because, of course, the person didn't audition or approve doing the role, and went through the whole production. How does a person in either a large studio movie or airing TV series "deserve better?"
I don't know. I also don't know why this phrase can only apply to actors and actresses. Why can't it apply to people in my place in society (such as it is)? Hell, why can't it apply to me?
The possibilities are endless:
Look at Trip in his beat up, old Saturn. Sure, it still runs just fine, but why drive such an old car? He can't use outdated safety methods these days! He deserves better! Get him a Mercedes!
Looks like Trip is sweating through another hot Summer day. Why hasn't he found the right house yet? Get him somewhere that has central air instead of window units. He deserves better: temperature control at the touch of a button. End his private hell!
Yes, that is a stylish 70's beer stein Trip is drinking from, but it IS a bit unwieldy. It's a chore to properly clean as well. He deserves better! When will today's fine ceramic beer mug makers create something for such a man?
Writing those phrases, let alone reading them aloud, looks stupid. Just as stupid as demanding "better" for folks who make more in one episode than I'll make in months.