I can read weather reports and try to remember the feeling...one that left my brain almost immediately. I can listen to old radio ads from the 1970's to "get ready" but it won't really help. I can try to remember where I'm going, but all I own are memories...fleeting at that. I likely remember the vibe of the Summer of '84, driving down France Ave, than I do "good restaurants." How the sam hell would I know? I don't, and even if I try to prep it won't make a difference at all.
I looked at the weather, and I swear to you this was the headline: "Record Heat Engulfs Midwest." That's wonderful! How about you just add some humidity for zest? Bugs, too...be sure to include a lot of flies and skeeters. We want to take outdoor enjoyment out of this visit. Folks, last Saturday I sat poolside, on a temperate Valley night, drinking a margarita, talking deals. This group concurred that any thoughts of leaving Goldville are shot down on nights like this. I'll remember that, having been told to "come outside, Trip" for the 50th time, swatting mosquitoes and pulling my shirt from my now-damp skin as I have to respond to "when I'm coming to visit again." Because, you know, I'm not right there in the moment.
Oh, activities could be planned, though mostly outside...but add weather to the new travelling companion and it is even tougher. I'm attempting to harness a young mind - how dare I expose her to such depravity? I'd love to loiter at a mall, but there's Smiley giving me a look and a fake-question, such as "You want to take her for a minute?" So, leisure, plenty of space...that's our preferred mode.
This makes the planned carnival even more intense. In the past, large amounts of unknowns wouldn't be an issue at all (except when you get cornered), but not anymore. My priorities lie in ol Puddin' Pop. Here are more randos wanting to look at you, poking and prodding. I bet you'll love that. Oh, you don't? I'm not surprised. "Trip, why is she upset? My friends from a Super 60's booze cruise want to meet her. Just bring her out...remember, they sent you the bibs?"
Long before the details were given to us, we agreed that we had to hit the Fair. Smiley needed to see the state condensed into one area. No words or descriptions will do it justice, and when you add the weather I mentioned above, I am anticipating...nay, demanding some MN oddities. Thankfully, we know the Fair will deliver.
And then...that's it. Finding and searching for time with those we haven't seen in years, those who we really want to see and enjoy? Sadly, the time might be limited to an hour. Some will understand, and some who don't will still be sympathetic. It's all we can ask. I can take someone, show them the battleground, and do as I wished someone would have to me 20 years ago: send em back to Goldland.
Not trying to sound harsh or above it, but if you knew the difference, you'd agree.