Whether it's an old friend, an old neighborhood, old haunt, or even old lady, times can make changes beyond things you've ever expected. When it comes to the diamond in the desert, it's funny how people's expectations on a trip depend so heavily on other people. The stories, the feel of the town is entirely populated on the population itself. Once you're old enough to gamble, they're ALL casinos - just varying degrees of good to swank.
Hitting downtown is a completely different mindset, and it pays (no, literally it does) to know the difference. Over time those of us here in California Gold have noticed this exists almost purely as an "anti-Vegas." We ARE here, aren't we? Well, yes, but this clearly isn't showbiz. The burnt-out light bulbs seem to multiply. The down and out have fallen so far it's almost best to just move on. But the characters - they are the people who make it all worthwhile. You're willing to forgive amenities in the "resorts" if you know your stuff won't be stolen and that you'll see some people that just wouldn't fit anywhere else. Could you imagine someone like "The Message" hitting the sports book at Mandalay Bay? Of course not. That's a $15 cab ride in heavy traffic, and that's money to put on Cleveland's victory.
Upon arrival I was shocked at the actual improvement of one of our haunts. This seems to go completely against the grain...everything was better. Feeling outrageous I had to pass this on - am I seeing right? Get down here RIGHT NOW. And yes, everything was new and wonderful. It was still "downtown," if you will, but a heavy good sign. Other haunts seem downright intimidated by this. One continues to have a gaping hole of carpet where their sports book once stood. (The decor hasn't changed because, well, that costs money) Another removed their sports book entirely for a dance club that looked as awkward as every 7th grade mixer you can remember. Frankly, we took that as an insult directly from the casino. And, apparently, so did the characters of downtown: they were nowhere to be found.
Oh sure, there was "Froggy" with his well worn Chris Carter Vikings jersey (not changing once upon our vacation). And the usual gaggle of annoying tourists in their "Jorts" (look it up) making sure everyone knew who they were cheering for. There was the usual drunks asleep surrounding us as we cheered on Toledo's improbable comeback. But hell, we can find this sort anywhere. Then I realized at that very moment...all of our characters were gone.
Did they seem uncomfortable at this new and improved sports book? Did they take the loss of another sports book too personally? Did the weekend inundation of families from Texarkana looking to dance dance dance wear them out? Are they broke? Worse, are they dead? Sadly, we'll never know. And we sure as shit would never have ASKED them their story back when. You saw all you needed to see. If anything, it was a cautionary tale of a life gone horribly wrong, and the week in and week out attempt to make you think otherwise. Ourselves, we seem to enjoy and support those who just keep on truckin' despite things. They're not out to fool you. They want this superfecta. And if it comes in, well, it was supposed to. That's why you picked it. Now you've got enough for a coffee at 7-11, so the day has started strong.
Perhaps this is a lament, thought of as we dodged the winds and tumbleweed that littered the highway...unaware of the terror that the winds would bring the following day. Perhaps it is a sign. Perhaps we were lucky. Or maybe it was just another trip to LV.