Tuesday, April 01, 2008

North of the Unusual

(Editor's Note: Trip Darvez, California Gold's seemingly sole correspondent, recently spent time in Las Vegas. Ill-prepared and distracted for reasons unknown, he failed to write a story but instead sent notes. These notes were written on a variety of items: a cocktail napkin, reverse side of a bingo chart, and a paper plate (among other things). While we are unable to fit these ramblings into a coherent outline, they are shared nevertheless.)

Stuck here in the departures level when I just arrived...can't say I understand this airport and I never will. Now standing next to me is a large man wearing an eye patch. Casually smoking in his Hawaiian shirt, black pants, and brown loafers, this man is struggling to survey the surroundings. I always wondered where these people are on TV - the real people with eye injuries. "Snake" (because I can't think of another name for him) was eerily silent until 4 girls walked by...each were carrying large trophies. And then he spoke: "Looks like you have a lot to be proud about!" He cleared his throat, and my ride just showed up


On the casino floor a guy is really upset. I think he's lost everything early...it's only Saturday afternoon and he's yelling into a phone. "It's a credit union. CREDIT UNION! (pause) No, I don't know what the difference is!"


Just saw someone is asleep in a chair in the bingo room. At least, I HOPE they are asleep. Would anyone notice? Maybe that's an unwritten rule about this?


We really need to make it clear - a casino will tell you anything you want to hear to get you in. Different story when you arrive. No, the restaurant doesn't have outside seating. Nope, the jazz show was cancelled. No, we're out of the fish special. Yes, our salsa is "homemade."


Nothing greets a new day like a sportsbook on a weekday morning. These are the lifers...no visiting folks. I kept trying to think of action and completely forgot that baseball began their regular season in MARCH. File that idea under snowout. If we took 15 games out of the schedule, would you even notice? But the die hards are drawn to the ponies. As I cash Potsy's tickets, each begins their bet with "Yeah, lemme have..."


There's times, hard times, and then there's the Asuza AM/PM. Could you ever imagine a Jack in the Box a safe haven? Point me west, please.


1416 OVER +10
1420 OVER +10

(Editor's Note: We are not sure of the significance of the last note, but have included it all the same.)

1 comment:

Dickfer said...

"Yeah, lemme have ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh .. . ahhhhhhhh . . .
