Excuse me, do you mind if we talk deals for a moment?
"Sure, I have a minute. Deals? Well, we have our own company. We do work in various aspects of business. We do some entertainment, some commercials, some, uh merchandising."
(Looks away, and looks back)
"You know, everybody asks that, but there's so many layers behind the scenes that we don't need to get into here. It would take way too long, and you probably haven't heard of a lot of it. But to give you an example...Olivia Newton-John, I know her personally. I mentioned entertainment...we've have some talks with the Starwood to-"
(The man behind him clears his throat)
"I don't know if you've seen that Huffy bicycle commercial...it's on TV nationwide. Got that Christopher Cross song on it. We were part of that."
(Checks digital watch)
"Thinking about having dinner at the Bonaventure tonight."
(Turns around to look at man behind him)
"What time you got?"
(Man behind him buttons his sport coat)
"Excuse me."